Monday, May 7, 2018

Baskets in May - Kindness for Today!

     The dispersing of May Baskets on the first day of May is a tradition that has been lost in the passing of time and the changes of our American culture.  This charming tradition began in Europe where the month of April is quite chilly and usually rainy, much like our weather this year!  But then May begins to show promise of warmer weather.  This promise inspired the European folks to give gifts of hope and encouragement to one another.  The spring flowers that had bloomed after all the rain would be picked and tucked into a basket along with gifts or sweet treats and hung anonymously on the doors of friends,  neighbors and strangers.  This was also where the saying "April showers bring May flowers" originated.  This old tradition is an inspiration to me when I hear the news and read the stories of the cold-heartedness, brokenness, darkness, and terror of people in our country today.  Yet there are blossoms of kindness, goodness, love, and joy in the midst.  Perhaps this tradition and the good people and blessings in our lives can inspire us to gather these kind of  blossoms and pass them out as gifts of hope and encouragement to the friends,  neighbors and strangers in our community!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Trusting is Risking - or is it?

I've been thinking a lot about the risk of trusting God. But then again it isn't really that much of risk. We can live our lives alone, face the odds in our own strength and reasoning, strive to meet our created needs in whatever we find that fills them. At least temporarily. Or we can choose to place faith and trust in one who is higher, stronger, kinder, wiser, and more faithful than anyone or any thing else. In Him we have more fulfillment, joy, peace, and security than any lover, career, hobby, bottle, meditation, ritual, or gun. With Him we have comfort, hope, endurance, promise, goodness, grace, mercy, and kindness to come alongside us through this messy, sinful, and painful world. We are promised to be taken out of this place and be given purity and peace and release from such things, once we are in Heaven. But for now we have a purpose. To share God with others, to live out the things He gives us so that others will see and want and reach for it too. I'm not saying it's easy - because I know firsthand that it is not! But it is simple. It's simply Jesus and following His Word! The risk He took on us is far greater than the risk we have to take Him. My prayer is that God will give me a heart that is willing to take the risk day by day - and live out His Word and promised gifts day by day!