Monday, January 5, 2015

New Years Resolutions

    I've been thinking lately about New Years Resolutions.  What are they and why do people make them?  How do people succeed in keeping them? What are the reasons for why some people don't? Is there anything in the Bible that can be applied to them?

A resolution by definition is: A promise to ones self to do something good or to stop doing something bad.
It is very much a "me" oriented ambition and sets its achievement on ones own willpower and drive.  It is common knowledge that people who make New Years Resolutions have high hopes in the beginning but by the end of the year, most people have failed to keep them.  Statistics show 92% of all resolutions end in failure. After doing some research on the web I discovered 3 main reasons why resolutions fail.*
1. People make unrealistic resolutions.
2. People don't equip themselves with the mental ammunition to fight off doubt and continue with their goals
3. Using guilt and fear as motivation or resolving to stop doing something
On the positive side, there are consistent reasons behind the people who do succeed in keeping their resolutions.  Such as setting small, attainable goals rather than ones that are large and overwhelming, setting a plan and having specific actions to carrying it out, sharing with others and gaining accountability, and believing in yourself and your willpower to persevere.*

     I would like to bring out three Biblical applications that we should be remembering when Resolution-ing.  Remembering our position in Christ.  Remembering the Lord's Sovereignty.  Remembering the strength of the Lord.
   The Bible reminds believers that we are not our own, Christ's sacrifice has given us freedom from slavery to sin and we live lives in Him after placing our faith in Him. I Cor. 6:20 says "You were bought with a price.  Therefore honor God with your body."  So in making any goals for ourselves, we can apply this Biblical concept and make sure that our goals in some way will bring honor to Christ.  It is He who made it possible for us to live the lives that we have and we owe him our lives.  When considering a goal, we should consider whether the object is to attain something for ourselves - or for Him. And if we keep that objective in mind - it will change the way we perform in carrying out our goal and our dedication to seeing it through.  This perspective of seeking to glorify God first will also keep us from being pressed into a goal by peers and then being driven to keep it because of their pressure as well. Col. 3:23 says  "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,".
   The Bible also reminds us of God's Sovereignty and our lack of control or power over anything in our lives.  He is all knowing of you and of the future, and would be the best person to give you guidance in what would be best for you. James 4:13-15 says  "Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." Once you have established a goal and set about making a plan for how to carry it out - God's Sovereignty is there for you again.  Prov. 16:9 says "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps."  God is in the business of details.  We don't know what is going to happen in the next second let alone the next few days.  We have no idea the details of our lives - but God does!  He knows about the unexpected and unforeseen events in our lives, they are no surprise to Him. Seeking the wisdom of God is our best foundation for reaching success in our New Years Resolutions!
   Our next best support is remembering the strength of God.   A worldly mindset holds with believing in yourself and your own willpower.  But as Christians we have an entirely different confidence.  I do not believe in myself - I know that I am weak! I know that I can become discouraged, frustrated, and give up!  But instead I choose to accept the strength Christ offers us through His word and through prayer.  Phil. 4:13 says "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."  The Lord wants to be involved in your life,  but He doesn't force His way on anyone.  He has given us freewill and choice to allow Him in.  He offers us help, peace, strength, comfort, and hope for life.  But we have to receive it.  It is a gift - just like at Christmas time.  We are given gifts - but they are not ours to have unless we take them.  So it is with the gift of God.  He offers eternal life, redemption from sin, and His personal touch in our lives - but we have to take it to have it.  "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."  John 5:24

    I hope these Biblical insights will help you in your New Years Resolutions and encourage you in your faith!   * &