Friday, December 19, 2014

The Story behind the Blog

   I called my Blog "Meadows and Mountains" because it speaks of the background of both my husband and I and also our personalities.  My name Kimberly, means From the Royal Meadow and I grew up for the most part in Nebraska.  The area called the Sandhills is very dear to my heart and growing up in those meadows was a great treasure.  I loved living on ranches and being out in the wide open and being able to get to the top of a hill and seeing for miles and miles.  Admiring the rolling hills dotted with black cows and watching the wind make waves in the grasses of the valleys in between each range of hills.  Every once in a while you'd top a hill where you could see a neighbors house in the distance and there were several abandoned homesteads with root cellars to poke around in and random metal objects in the sand to find.  It was full of history and culture and the inspiring presence of pioneers who had been there before.  I loved it because you could seemingly live history.  You could see the same things on horseback that they did coming over a horseback and with covered wagons.  I see how my admiration of that country reflects me personality.  I am a people person.  I love being open with people and having them talk to me and tell me what's going on in their lives.  So like being able to get on a hill and see the neighbors' houses, I like having a perspective into their lives.  I like having the familiarity of the same group of people and developing relationships that grow deeper and deeper.  In that area, living so far away from a town, you had good relationships with your neighbors and looked out for each other.  The roots in that country went deep with families who had homesteaded and worked the same land for years, so I like ministering to the same people for the long haul.  I am a history buff as well so I thrive on the stories that the old timers tell and working along side the older women as they made a meal for a crew of men who came together to work with each other on their ranches.  I loved the comradeship and fellowship and support of one to another.  That is my personality.  I am very relational and thrive off of companionship.
   The presence of the Lord always seemed closer to me when I was outside in those hills where I could see so far and know that God saw so much more!  I learned so many valuable things in those hills and at the country church there, I first felt the call of the Lord to full time ministry in my life.  The meadows of my life are a monument and encouragement to me still today.
   My husband however, grew up for the most part in the mountains of Colorado.  He enjoys the solitude of being hidden away from civilization.  He likes the height, the ruggedness, and the challenge of the terrain.  That also reflects his personality.  He is more withdrawn and private.  He enjoys tackling projects that he can learn new things and take him to greater heights of knowledge and skill.  He thrives off of challenge and pushing himself, as one does with climbing a steep precipice.
    So it fascinates me at how God put the two of us together.  We each have strengths that support and compliment the others weakness.  Now, we are still learning the balance of how to make them work together, but we can see how they do go together!  It's such a beautiful and "wonder" full thing!  So I am excited for the journey of life with God and the man He gave me to travel with.  And here I hope to share with you some of those exciting experiences, lessons learned, and blessings God gives along the way!